
Python like a Spartan

I’m an AI Research Engineer and that involves messing around a little with python. I’ve spent the past 4 years perfecting a disciplined, minimal, but enabling setup. This is a tour of my trusty set of tools, in the hopes that it will help you find the same CLI zen that I’ve been enjoying for a while now. Tmux : towards an Eternal Shell I start my work sessions off by ssh’ing into my remote compute cluster.

Learn Vim the smart way

I’ve been building up my vimrc again because emacs’ tramp mode just wasn’t cutting it when it came to speed for my remote work environments. I’ve been a vim user for around 4 years now and having read some books partially and sampling a lot of blogs and conference recordings over this span, I decided I should commit and formally invest into a definitive resource to get me upto speed and beyond.

My Creation and Publishing Pipeline

This is an auxilliary post collating resources for the recent video I posted … The Pipeline All the ideas, resources that I want to process, any miscellaneous questions I have, are fed into the input-queue in the buffer All the manipulation takes place in these buffers - they’re org-files and I use org-roam to maintain the connections whenever a node set ripens and is worth sharing, I write a post or publish a video.

Common Lisp : The Series - 0 : Introduction

This is the first in a series of blog posts that follow the educational common lisp series on my youtube channel as an auxilliary. I’ll be summarizing the videos in these blogs and be using these to point to references and additional resources that further elaborate the matter. This post is about why you should consider learning common lisp and how I intend to execute the plan of building an end to end resource index while simultaneously being able to learn more about the language myself.

My Emacs Configuration

[As of 0x213B : 2023-08-17 Thu] I use emacs for a lot of my daily tasks and spend majority of my time in it. This is a review of some significant components of my init.el ;keyboard all the way (menu-bar-mode -1) (tool-bar-mode -1) (scroll-bar-mode -1) ;I don't like distractions (setq byte-compile-warnings '(cl-functions)) (setq ring-bell-function 'ignore) (setq visible-bell t) I chose the most recently engineered package-management solution when I began with emacs, haven’t switched since and don’t think I’ll need to.

PICC: pragmatics of intellectual consumption and creation

There’s a better way to do it - Find it. Thomas Alva Edison Managing one’s intellectual appetite in these times of information (and noise) excess is quite an ordeal. Given superior tooling and methods to plough through dense knowledge forests, coming up with the right set of tools for oneself is still a commendable task. In this post, I sketch out how one could go about making such choices practically, from why you should bother, to what tangible actions you can get started with.