Teh worth of a workd

Writing is an involved process. A rough overview is as follows:

  • you think of an idea
  • you build upon that idea with what you already know
  • you structure out some initial drafts
  • you run it under a careful eye to scrape out the loopholes
  • you edit it, to the point of satisfaction

The problem with that process is the last bullet right there. It makes the worth of a word in the moment diminish than the act of etching something down in stone.

Up until this point in this microessay (excluding the title), I’ve been editing out typos immediately and am maintaining a reversibility of around ~5 words. That is an interesting exercise but it isn’t the end of the world.

From the end of this sentence, whatever I type, stays as if I’ve etched it onto stone. I keep the typso as well and do not backtrack. There is no backspace, no tab completoin (I’m using emacs)., no correcting punctuations that I did not intend to fill in, no grammatical corrections, ; if my sentence sounds like sh*t, my sentences* are shi*t.

This is a lexical game that I’’ll be regularly practicing henceforth to ramp up the worth of a workd. It’s going to be more attuned towards natural language as there’s no time travel whn you talk. you can’t fix up something in the past. All that I can change is the formating (using markdown) so that teh medium doesn’t get in the way of my words beging portrayed the way I realize tehm first in my mind.

Now, typos are not a thought but an action issue and hwo well I control my fingures (damn it…), I do see some phonetic overloading going on that is infuluencing my base intuitions of awhat a word looks likt.

Core biases when I type something are slso survacing readily and it is quite interesting to see how we favor certain areas of the keyboard when we think of a letter rather than that specific key. For instance, “,”,".","’",";" are all somewhat intuitively grouped into a cluster with the specificity being recalled upon based on the context of your current phase of thought when you’re typing own a sentence.

what is teh oint of this exercise you may ask:-

  • I wis hto rveal my true though process
  • types are an initial hurdle that I’ll just have to ignore and get better at in the background
  • the major baeneifit is that I get to actually write like I’m thinking in the moment.
  • I could plan way before I write adwon a sentence but that would suck the joy ourt of this and wouldn’t allow me to completely explore my base inclinations.
  • Humans, can figure out types -> typose pretty esily and this shouldn’t readily hinder their comprehension. I’d only user -> use unnatural devices (-> is not a part of natral language) to avoid conufusion in cases of semantic overlap.s.

All such posts will be tagged as free-writing ; this is a micro-essay as well and I lpan on doing these more often or atleast one a day. Of course , you may rely me (fit in an on before the me in there) to conduct this out honestly and not feign spontatneity .

I’ve go t some other lexical gaems as well that i occasionaly enjoy ; will talk about thame in other posts. This is enough lexical crime commited for the day.