
As of 24th April 2024

Raj Patil | contact@rajpatil.dev


B.Tech: Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (2018-2022)

All India Rank (JEE Advance 2018) - 658

- Major (2018-2022) : Computer Science and Engineering  : 9.26/10
- Minor (2020-2022) : Artificial Intelligence           : 9.50/10

Technical Skills


- Primary           : Python, Golang, Mojo
- Lisps & Schemes   : Common-Lisp, E-lisp, Hy, Racket
- Non-Trivial Exp   : C, C++,  Prolog, Eiffel, Vimscript
- Trivial Exp       : Haskell, Rust, Lua, Java, Javascript

Current Envs:
 1. Personal  : Debian, I3WM, Emacs
 2. Work      : Multiple headless Linuces , Tmux, Neovim
                (Debian & red hat family, Qubes OS) 

Tools and Frameworks:

 - Generic
	- Cloud Compute         : AWS (EC2, S3), Paperspace, GCP
	- Version Control       : git, git-lfs
	- Containerization      : docker
	- Orchestration         : kubernetes
	- Virtualization        : qemu, KVM, virtual box
	- CI/CD                 : Github Actions, Gitlab CI, Jenkins

 - AI
	- DL                     : Pytorch, spaCy, nltk, fastai, hugging-face
	- ML                     : Scikit-learn, LightGBM, XGBoost
	- MLOps                  : MLFlow
	- Monitoring             : Visdom, Tensorboard
	- Data Wrangling         : Pandas, Xarray
	- Scientific Computing   : Numpy, Scipy
	- Dashboards             : Streamlit, Gradio
	- Visualization          : Matplotlib, Seaborn

 - Databases
	- Relational             : PostGres, SQLite
	- NoSQL                  : MongoDB, Redis
	- Graph                  : Neo4j
	- Multi-model            : SurrealDB

 - Web
	- SSGs                   : Hugo, Jekyll, Quarto, Org-export
	- Hypermedia             : HTML, CSS, HTMX
	- ReST                   : FastAPI
 - Domain Specific
	- Lexers,Parsers        : Lark, yacc, lex
	- Quantum Computing     : Qiskit
	- Convex Optimization   : CVXPy
	- Quantum Computing     : Qiskit
	- CLI                   : regex, sed, awk, grep
	- Text-Editing          : Emacs, Vi
	- Markup                : markdown, latex, org files
	- Visualization         : mermaid.js
	- Testing               : Selenium


ESDS Software Solutions : Principal Engineer

March 2024 - Present
  • exploring the vast cloud computing problem space as a whole, rather than just the artificial intelligence perspective as in my previous role.
  • overseeing interdisciplinary research and development across departments, with the opportunity to work in relatively larger and technically varied teams.

ESDS Software Solutions : AI Research Engineer

Nov 2022 - March 2024
  • developed a comprehensive sentiment analysis portal from the ground up, focusing on customer satisfaction within the ticketing portal.
    • now crucial within the organization, used to quantify customer satisfaction and identify areas of improvement with regards to customer experience.
  • headed AI integration across diverse departments, identifying and implementing multi-model pipelines (natural language processing, computer vision and traditional machine learning solutions)
  • served multiple client facing AI-related requests, most promiment of which resulted in the School Education and Sports Department of Maharashtra winning a Guinness World Record, for which ESDS was the technical facilitator.
  • Mentored individuals across domains and began honing my managerial/leadership aptitude.

Personal Sabbatical

Aug 2022 - Nov 2022
  • deliberate decision to take a hiatus to address health concerns.
    • diagnosed with severe deficiencies in several micronutrients and minerals.
  • consumed several epistemological works to further my personal pursuits.

Goldman Sachs: Analyst

July 2022 - Aug 2022
  • briefly worked as an Analyst at Goldman Sachs, gaining valuable exposure to the financial industry.
  • Although a shorter engagement, had the opportunity to gain insights into the organization and its operations.

IIT Hyderabad | KLA Tencor: Research Assistant

Aug 2021 - May 2022
  • Collaborated with Prof. Vineeth N.B. on research to develop a generic transferability score for inter-domain transfer-learning tasks.
  • Focused on computer vision applications within chip technologies.
  • Leveraged knowledge in Domain Adaptation (Transfer Learning) to address relevant challenges.

Goldman Sachs: Summer Analyst

June 2021 - July 2021
  • worked towards enhancing (unsupervised) clustering interpretability.
  • developed a versatile multidimensional hyperparameter grid search framework to automate model optimization and fine-tuning.

CVPR 2021 Workshop paper | AUTONUE 2021 : Research Assistant


projectdesc.tools and skills
Guinness world Record : Deduplication, Anomaly Detection, Tampering Detectionwas responsible for filtering the collected images (scale of 1.4e6) (checkout blog link for more context)signed an NDA
Quantum Error Correction Codescreated a framework to test efficacy of qubit allocation strategies for noise-resistant quantum computationQiskit
Tic-Tac-Toe Reinforcement Learningtested out RL algorithms with random and heuristics based agentsPytorch
Option Pricing via Monte Carlo Simulationsdelved into monte carlo option pricers, while comparing results with conventional stochastic calculus models (Black Scholes)Python, Stochatic Calculus
Secure Multiparty Computation (for Deep Learning)Survey on how cryptographic techniques are used to maintain secrecy during multiparty computation (neural networks in this case)
WDGAF(We Do Give a Figure)Created plotting DSL using principals of compilers and published it to pippython, lark, package publishing
Relational Databases and Data HygeineExecuted complex relational database queries on the imdb movie database; implemented scraping scripts to fetch relevant dataPostGres, SQL, python, shell scripting
Optimizing scheduling algorithmsresearched into tweaks to optimize the scheduling algorithms BOCC, BTO, MVTO
Musical Chairs: inter-process comsSimulating a game of musical chairs using modern concurrency constructs from C++11 onwardsC++, Make
Chat Room Appcreated a command line chat room app using principles of socket programmingcomputer networks, python
Custom Deep Learning Frameworkcreated a deep learning library from scratchPytorch, numpy, git
3D-printed pin ball machinedesigned the individual components from scratch in CAD and assembled the same (star wars themed - had a millenium falcon) into a functional pin ball setupSolidEdge, CAD, 3d-printing


Teaching Assistance

FitSoc 2021-2022

  • Established a fitness community dedicated to supporting college students in balancing their fitness and academic pursuits through a hybrid athleticism approach.
  • Organically bootstrapped and grew the community, currently comprising over 200 active members.

Founding Core Member Epoch (The ML club of IIT Hyderabad) - 2019

  • Conducted the inaugural session of the club.
  • The session centered on exploratory data analysis utilizing key tools and libraries, including Pandas, NumPy, SciPy and matplotlib.

National Service Scheme

  • participated in several cleanliness and plantation drives during my time at IIT-Hyderabad
  • created several social awareness posters regarding various societal issues